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Active foam Fictech Foam Bubble PH Neutral (100 ml)

pH neutral active foam, 100 ml
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Active foam Fictech Foam Bubble PH Neutral (100 ml)

Active foam Fictech Foam Bubble PH Neutral

Very high quality active foam with high foaming capacity. When properly diluted, it creates a thick foam that has a long-lasting effect. It stays longer on the car's dirty paintwork and helps loosen the dirt more effectively. pH neutral foam is safe for cars treated with wax or sealant .

Fictech Foam Bubble PH Neutral - dilution

  • When used in a foamer: 50 ml to 75 ml per 1 liter - depending on the extent of pollution.
  • When used with a hand sprayer: 30 ml to 60 ml per 1 liter - depending on the extent of contamination.

Fictech Foam Bubble PH Neutral - how to use

  • Shake well before use.
  • Test in an inconspicuous place.
  • Dilute properly.
  • Spray the entire vehicle and leave for 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with a stronger stream of water.
Catalog number7230097/100ML
LinksOfficial web presentation

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