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CarPro BugOut insect repellent (4 l)

remover of insects and their hard-to-remove residues, 4000 ml
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CarPro BugOut insect repellent (4 l)

CarPro Bug Out insect residue remover (4000 ml)

A major concern for automotive enthusiasts is insects and their debris. Not only are insects attached to the front parts of the car unsightly, but their acidic composition causes paint to be etched very quickly. The speed of the chemical deterioration of the varnish depends on the temperature, therefore, especially on hot summer days, it is necessary to remove insects from the varnish as soon as possible. CarPro Bug Out has been developed to be safe on a wide range of surfaces including paint, glass, plastic, metal and other exterior surfaces. The insect secretes a concentrated protein enzyme in the area of impact with the vehicle, and if left there for too long, causes permanent damage to various surfaces. By regularly removing insects, you will avoid permanent damage to your car's paint. The CarPro Bug Out insect remover works very quickly and without the increased risk of scratching the paint. CarPro Bug Out is the solution for every car owner anywhere in the world.

How to use CarPro Bug Out Insect Remover

  • Spray CarPro Bug Out on the affected areas and the insects will dissolve after a few seconds (30 seconds to 2 minutes).
  • Thanks to the fact that it softens the skeleton of the insect, it enables subsequent safe wiping without the risk of scratching the paint.
  • Rinse with a strong stream of water.
  • Wash the vehicle with car shampoo and dry.
  • Never let the product dry completely, do not use it in direct sunlight and do not leave it on for longer than recommended by the manufacturer.
Catalog numberCP_BO4L
LinksOfficial web presentation

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