How does collecting user reviews work for us?
You can add user reviews in two ways:
- Via e-mail , which we will send you 30 days after the purchase. In it, we will ask you to add a user review to the purchased goods. We will check the review added in this way through logged in accounts and if you have really purchased the product, we will mark the review as verified .
- Via the product evaluation form. If you write a review for the given product after some time after purchase, we will be happy for your feedback, but unfortunately we are not able to verify this review .
If you bought the product at another e-shop and want to share your opinion with other customers, we will also be happy for the evaluation, but we do not have the possibility to verify the reviews added in this way.
We never manipulate user product reviews. The exception is vulgar and aggressive comments. We reserve the right to delete them immediately.
We verify product reviews from 1/1/2023. However, reviews added before this date may not be authentic and may not correspond to reality.

How to write a good user review?
We have 3 steps for you to write a product review easily and quickly:
Be transparent
Both we and other customers want to know the real experience with the product. Be so honest, constructive and write reviews that you would appreciate.
Think of others
Keep in mind that your review will be seen by other interested parties. So be careful and describe accurately and to the point. Try to imagine what you yourself would like to know before buying.
Submit a review
And it is done! Evaluation written and can go out into the world. You just helped other customers make the right decision. Thank you