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Meguiar's DA Polishing Power Pads Set

polishing wheel set for DA Power System
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Meguiar's DA Polishing Power Pads Set

Meguiar's DA Polishing Power Pads Set

Meguiar's DA Polishing Power Pads are the ideal way to remove scratches, stains and oxidation from paintwork. A set of correction wheels for use with the unique Meguiar's DA Power System or the MT310 Meguiar's DA Polisher . This is a polishing wheel designed for final polishing of paintwork to maximum shine, polishing circular scratches, holograms, orbital fog and other light to medium paintwork defects. Use one of Meguiar's finishing polishes, such as G19216 Meguiar's Ultimate Polish, for the final polish.

Package contains:

  • 2x medium polishing disc

Meguiar's DA Power System can be supplemented with separate typed kits that contain a specific tool and disc with which the product should be applied, or a set of discs:

  • G3507 Meguiar's DA Compound Power Pads Blemish Correction Pad Set
  • G3509 Meguiar's DA Waxing Power Pads Waxing Finishing Pad Set
Using Meguiar's DA Power System saves you time and effort in getting the best results in your car care.
  • Meguiar's DA Power System can be used with all common hand drills.
  • Orbital movement can remove more paint defects than normal manual application
Catalog numberG3508
LinksOfficial web presentation

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