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Poorboy's Bold and Bright Tire Dressing (3.78 L)

tire polish, 3780 ml
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Tire protection
Poorboy's Bold and Bright Tire Dressing (3.78 L)
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Poorboy's Bold and Bright Tire Dressing 3.78 l

Waterproof tire polish. Cheap tire polishes can often break down the rubber itself, making the tire unsafe. But Bold And Bright doesn't do that. Bold and Bright does not contain petroleum distillates, it can protect tires from harmful UVA and UVB radiation. Bold and Bright is specially designed to be dry to the touch and can be applied in sun or shade.

There are many ways to apply Bold and Bright

  • Spray Application - Clean the tire, we recommend Poorboy's World APC and spray Bold and Bright onto the tire until the entire tire cord area is completely covered. Allow to dry for 15-20 minutes before driving. Use this application method for the highest shine. If you want a semi-gloss, wipe with a microfiber cloth after application.
  • Application on an application pad - Spray or pour Bold and Bright onto an applicator and apply to the tire cord in an even layer. Allow to dry for 20-30 minutes.
  • Application with a brush - Dip the brush into the product and spread it around the circumference of the tire. Be careful not to paint the aluminum or tin disc unnecessarily.
Note: Bold and Bright can be diluted so it can also be used on engine plastics or exterior plastics.
Catalog numberPB-BNB-128
LinksOfficial web presentation

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