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Security device with GPS Genevo Pro S

permanently built-in set with new OLED display and integrated Genevo HD+ radar antenna - improved version without laser protection
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Security device with GPS Genevo Pro S

Genevo PRO, new in 2017. This is a permanently built-in set with a new OLED display and an integrated Genevo HD+ radar antenna. Modified software enables improved detection and at the same time significantly reduces the number of false alarms. During the development, emphasis was placed on functionality, user-friendliness and ease of installation. The device consists of a main control unit, a GPS antenna, a radar antenna, a display and a display dock.

Two antennas? Better performance!

Two radar antennas can be connected and used with the Geneva PRO. For example, you can use one Genevo HD+ antenna vertically for better detection of radars in the Czech Republic and the second HDM+ antenna placed horizontally to detect the hard-to-detect CD/CT MultaRadars used by other detectors in Slovakia. Alternatively, one radar antenna can be installed in the front and the other in the back for detection from both sides.

GPS Database

The GPS Database has no competition on the market, it contains Stationary Radars, Sectional Radars and Red Light Cameras.

Easy to update and set up

Genevo PRO can be easily updated and configured using any USB flash drive. You download a file that you upload to a USB Flash drive and then insert into Genevo PRO. The update itself and the settings will then be carried out by themselves.

Want to quickly deactivate PRO? Simply remove the display

In the Czech Republic, the use of the Genevo PRO device is legal, but in some countries it is not, which is why the Genevo PRO has a removable display. This means that if you want to quickly deactivate the device in any situation, just remove the display from the dock. From now on, the device will be completely inoperable. No one else but you can reactivate it using your display. If you want to remove not only the display, but the entire dock, it is also not a problem. The only thing left is the MicroUSB power supply, which you can use to charge your phone, for example.

Catalog numberGENEVO PRO S
LinksOfficial web presentation

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