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Stain remover Colourlock Entfärbe Stift 40 ml

textile and newspaper dye stain remover, 40 ml
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Stain remover Colourlock Entfärbe Stift 40 ml

Stain remover Colourlock Entfärbe Stift 40 ml

A very common phenomenon in smooth pigmented skins is the coloring of the skin by textile or newspaper dye. This phenomenon occurs to a greater or lesser extent in all skin colors. However, especially with light leather furniture or the interior of a car, the coloring is very noticeable. In most cases, this is caused by different parts of clothing (jeans, jackets, belts, etc.). However, this is not a sign of poor quality leather! A chemical reaction takes place here, during which the pigments of two different dyes bind to each other. The longer the coloring takes place, the deeper the dyes are fixed on each other. The rule applies to successful removal of discoloration - "the sooner you clean the discoloration, the greater the chance that you will succeed in removing it."

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