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Audi Q3 - noise reduction of wheel arches and engine

Audi Q3
  • Type of installationOdhlučnění předních a zadních podběhů a motorové části
  • VehicleAudi Q3
  • Implementation date01.01.1980
  • Duration8 hodin
  • Installation price634,83 EUR with VAT
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Price: 634,83 EUR with VAT
Sound deadening of the front and rear wheel arches and the engine part of the Audi Q3. Its owner wanted to reduce the noise of these problematic areas that plague most vehicles, Audi included. Audi has textile front and rear wheel arches on practically all models, so we always use two layers of soundproofing directly on the bodywork. In this case, due to the very limited space, we had to choose materials with a thinner thickness, namely the anti-vibration material Comfortmat D3 with a thickness of 3 mm and Comfortmat Integra with a thickness of 6 mm. A total thickness of 9 mm was the maximum that could be installed. Anti-vibration material. Thanks to the combination of a very effective anti-vibration material and a membrane sound-insulating material, we were able to significantly reduce low-frequency noise, which is mainly caused by the tires. As for the engine part, we soundproofed the hood with two layers of anti-vibration and sound (and heat) insulating material. Due to the application to the inside of the factory engine cover, we have of course preserved the original appearance of the hood. There was also a sound deadening of the torpedo, which is large in Audi vehicles, and its sound deadening is capable of significantly reducing engine noise. For this area, we again choose the anti-vibration material Comfortmat D2 and as a second layer the absolutely waterproof material Comfortmat Neoprene, which is ideal for this area due to its properties.View products >Hide products >

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