Type of installationOdhlučnění dveří, kufru, předních podběhů a kapoty
VehicleBMW 4 (F32) - soundproofing
Implementation date01.01.1980
Duration16 hodin (1 pracovní den pro 2 techniky)
Installation price1 004,73 EUR with VAT
BMW 4 (F32) - basic soundproofing
Basic soundproofing of the BMW 4 car. Even this model of the Bavarian brand suffers mainly from the noise from the front and rear tires, the surrounding road noise, which is especially pronounced from the rear. We agreed with the customer on basic soundproofing, within which we will focus on the front and rear doors, front wheel arches, luggage compartment including rear wheel arches and hood. Although we do not recommend omitting the floor to our customers, we always try to find a solution that will be a compromise between price, efficiency and, of course, weight. In addition, the floor can be finished at any time in the future. We soundproof all selected areas with premium Comfortmat membrane materials, and of course we can complete the installation within one working day. You can find out more information in our photo report.View products >Hide products >
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