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Polishing paste CarPro Essence (250 ml)

top fine polishing paste with nanoparticles, 250 ml
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Polishing paste CarPro Essence (250 ml)

Polishing paste CarPro Essence (250 ml)

CarPro Essence is a premium fine polishing paste that contains CQuartz nanoparticles that bind to the paint surface during the body polishing process, forming a fantastically shiny and highly durable ceramic coating. These ceramic nanoparticles have the ability to self-level and bond with each other, as a result of which they even out the microscopic irregularities that are otherwise present even on perfectly polished paint. Paint polished with CarPro Essence paste therefore looks wet. Use CarPro Essence as a finishing polishing paste, we recommend using it with the Rupes ULTRAFINE polishing wheel. However, CarPro Essence is not just a polishing paste, it is much more! The ceramic substrate, which is formed during polishing, increases the strength of the paint and, in addition to extreme shine, also protects the paint for a period of about 6 months.

Key properties of CarPro Essence paste

  • Extremely high gloss.
  • It provides a protective layer of SiO 2 quartz.
  • Protection for up to 6 months.
  • Fills micro and macroscopic paint defects.
  • It can be applied by machine or by hand.
  • It polishes easily.
  • System primer (base) for CarPro CQuartz ceramic coatings.

Recommended polishing procedures

  • When polishing by machine, use lower speeds, maximum medium.
  • Use eccentric polishers when working with CarPro Essence.
  • For more paint correction needs, use discs with abrasive capabilities, usually harder foam.
Catalog numberCP_ES25
LinksOfficial web presentation

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