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Polymeric paint protection Soft99 Fusso Coat F7 All Colors (300 ml)

easy-to-apply polymer paint protection, 300 ml
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Soft99 Fusso Coat F7 All Colors

Fusso Coat F7 is a user-friendly polymer paint protection that creates an impermeable barrier against harmful substances such as salt, brake dust, acid rain, UV rays, etc. It can be used on all paints. The polymer-based formula prevents dirt build-up, while TSI (Top Shield Impervious) and WARP (Wipe Assistance Radical Power) technologies extend the effect for up to 7 months. Enjoy the strong water repellency and long-term protection of a polymer coating that is easy to apply. 300 ml package + 2 sponges.

Using Fusso Coat F7 All Colors

  • Clean off all sand, dust and other debris with a pH neutral shampoo and dry the car completely.
  • Shake the bottle well.
  • Apply the liquid to the yellow side of the included sponge and spread evenly in a thin layer.
  • Leave to dry for 10-15 minutes and then wipe off with a clean, soft towel.
Catalog numberSOFT10339
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