Features of the anti-vibration material Silent Coat Multilayer 5 mm MLEX
4-layer two-color sandwich material with a carbon layer.
The 1st red layer absorbs resonances, the 2nd layer is black composite rubber (increases the stiffness and weight of the material) to absorb low-frequency resonances, the 3rd red layer absorbs the rest of any resonances, the 4th layer is the aluminum itself.
Up to three times the effect against classic damping materials.
Resistant to water and oil, excellent anti-corrosion and sealing properties, non-flammable.
Easy installation on any surface without the need for heating.
Great for high-end and dB Drag installations.
Price for 1 piece!
Technical parameters of the damping material Silent Coat Multilayer 5mm MLEX
Weight: 6 kg / 1 m².
Weight of 1 plate: 2535 g.
Dimensions of the damping material Silent Coat Multilayer 5 mm MLEX
Plate size: 750 x 500 mm.
Material thickness: 5.0mm (+/- 0.2mm).
Material thickness measured by us: 3.73 mm.
Aluminum foil thickness: 0.1 mm.
Where to apply Silent Coat Multilayer 5 mm MLEX damping